
The js testing library for command-line interfaces.

Sometimes, you want to add automated tests for your node-based CLI. With Yerbamate now you can simply test your programs directly within your favorite testing framework like mocha without the mess of creating complex gulp pipelines or adding extra bash scripts. Just with old good Javascript.


Yerbamate allows you to easily test commands from your favorite Javascript testing framework."cat", null, {}, function(code, out, errs) {
if(yerbamate.isErrorCode(code)) console.log("Error: " + errs[0]);
else console.log("Success - " + out);

Yerbamate also provides easy access to you package.json defined scripts and commands, so you can test your module easily.

var yerbamate=require('yerbamate');

var pkg=yerbamate.loadPackage(module);

//Test the package.json start script, pkg.dir, {}, function(code, out, errs){
if(yerbamate.isErrorCode(code)) console.log("Process exited with error code");
if(errs.length>0) console.log("Errors in process:" + errs.length);
console.log("Output: " + out[0]);


  • loadPackage(module) Will load your package.json module data. The returned object will contain the path to the package.json file, main and start script as well as bin and scripts objects from package.json

  • run(command, dir, options, done) Will run the given command as a child_process in the given path. The options allows you to set callbacks for stdout and stderr outputs, as well as extra space-separated arguments with args. The callback will return the execution code of the process, an array with all the console outputs and an array with all the error outputs.

  • isErrorCode(code) Will return true if the given process code is an error code, false otherwise