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· 5 min read

Yet Another Markdown Parser

Markdown is cool. With a simple syntax1 is possible to create document form webpages to presentation slides (and, of course, this same blog you are reading). Yamp is here to simplify your work with markdown for whatever you are using it. Check Yamp in action here.


  • HTML conversion
  • PDF conversion
  • Code highlight support
  • Github-style output
  • API to use yamp programmatically
  • Custom styles
  • CSS-embedded HTML (just open it offline in any browser)
  • HTML tags support (for PDF output too)
  • Include other files in your markdown
  • HTML presentations
  • Koalafied

Basic Manual

Yamp allows you to convert a markdown file into other formats such as Html or Pdf. Also, it provides templates and styles out of the box to make the conversion as simple as possible.


To install yamp you can clone the project from Github or simple install it from the npm repository2.

Assuming npm is installed in your system:

npm install -g yamp
  • If you have the GitHub project, execute npm install -g .

Yamp requires Node.js version 4.0.0 or higher


With yamp your markdown file will be converted to pdf directly

  • To convert to html use: yamp --html
  • To convert to html and pdf use: yamp --html --pdf

There are several options in yamp:

  • -h, --help to display a basic usage information
  • -V, --version to display yamp version installed
  • -o, --output <file> output filename (without extension) e.g. yamp -o final_name
  • --pdf to generate a pdf (default)
  • --htmlto generate html
  • --remarkto generate a html presentation using remark
  • -t, --title [value] to add a custom title to Html pages
  • --style <file> to set a custom CSS stylesheet
    • Option not suported along with --no-style
  • --no-style to disable CSS styling
    • Options not supported along with --style <file>
  • --minify to minify Html output
  • --no-tags to disable custom Yamp tags
  • --no-highlight to disable code highlight
  • -k, --koala to koalify your outputs

Yamp tags

Yamp supports extra tags in your markdown files. Currently using xejs templates. All tags are written between double braces {%raw%}{{ ... }}{%endraw%} and are not case-sensitive.

  • {%raw%}{{include []}}{%endraw%}: Includes the given text file (markdown or not), the tags on the included file will also be parsed, allowing nested file structure.
  • {%raw%}{{date}}{%endraw%}: Will write the current date (at the moment of rendering).
  • {%raw%}{{page break}}{%endraw%}: Will force a page break in pdf output.
  • {%raw%}{{yamp version}}{%endraw%}: Will display the yamp version used to render the document.

For example, if we have the documents:

## My title

This is the first file
{%raw%}{{page break}}{%endraw}
The end

This is the second file

The resulting file will be:

## My title

This is the first file
This is the second file
The end

And when rendered into pdf, The end will be in a different page

For Pros

Yamp can also be used as a npm module:

To install yamp as dependency:

npm install --save yamp

To add it as a node.js dependency:

var yamp=require('yamp');

Yamp API

Include yamp in your javascript with:

var yamp = require("yamp");

You'll have access to different renderers to process your files:

  • yamp.renderers.html to process a markdown file into an full Html page
  • yamp.renderers.pdf to process a markdown into a pdf

To use a renderer:

var myRenderer = new renderers.pdf(options);
renderer.renderFile(myFile, function (err) {
if (err) return console.log("Error while rendering: " + err);
else console.log("Rendering was successful");


The options accepted by the default renderers are:

  • outputFilename: name of the output filename (without extension), will default to the input filename
  • highlight: (true) indicates if code blocks should be highlighted
  • style: (true) indicates if default style should be used or no style at all. If a filename is passed, it will use it as custom css style
  • minify: (false) whether the Html output should be minified or not
  • title: Custom title for the Html page
  • tags: (true) whether to parse yamp tags or not ({%raw%}{{ ... }}{%endraw%})
  • koala: (false) true to koalify your outputs

Creating new renderers

If you need a custom renderer, instead of using one of the defaults you can extend directly from Renderer class or any of the default renderers:

class MyCustomRenderer extends yamp.Renderer {
constructor(options) {
super(options, "default.ejs", yamp.parsers.md2Html);
this.output = "html"; //desired output extension

beforeLoad(filename) {
//Modify filename or this.fileLoader before loading it

beforeRender(templateOptions) {
// Modify the data passed to the template before rendering, including title, content and options

afterRender(content) {
// Modify template result (Html)

fileOutput(content, done) {
// Write file (preferably to this.options.outputFilename) in the desired format using a parser

Custom parser: It is possible to use a custom parser from markdown to Html instead of the built-in yamp.parsers.md2html, the parser must be a function of the type function(originalString,options,callback) that will translate from originalString (markdown) to html, calling the callback(err,res) afterwards.

If, instead of extending from yamp.Renderer you are extending from one of the default renderers, you should only re-implement the methods you need, and usually you should call super().methodName to maintain its basic functionality.


  1. Mastering markdown:

  2. What is npm?: