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· 2 min read

A graphical task runner powered by Yerbamate

Gaucho is a graphical task runner, allowing you to configure simple commands and scripts (a.k.a. tasks) to be launched and stopped whenever you want using a simple list-style GUI


  • Execute your own scripts at will.
    • e.g. servers, builds, background tasks.
  • Stop any running task and subprocess.
  • Easy interface to see the status of all running tasks
  • Simple configuration for your tasks
  • Windows, Linux and Mac compatibility
  • Open Source

Gaucho 0.1 Screenshot
Gaucho 0.1


You can download the latest release of Gaucho here, or you can compile from the source code

To use it, simply execute gaucho. The default gaucho configuration have some example tasks already configured, to remove, create or edit existing tasks click on the edit button at the top right corner. Edit Button

In edit mode, you will see the options to Delete tasks.

Edit Mode
Edit Mode

In this mode, you can create/remove Suites to organize your tasks clicking on the menu button (next to the edit button).

Edit Menu

When adding a new task (or editing an existing one by clicking on it) you will see a simple form:

Edit Task
Edit Task Form

For each task you can configure 3 parameters:

  • Task Name: A recognizable name for the task
  • Command: The command/script to be executed (bash, cmd, executable...)
  • Path: The full path to execute given command (by default it will be executed on the same path as Gaucho)

Gaucho is Licensed under GNU General Public License v3 and is available on GitHub